People often ask me what it takes to become a thought leader so here’s my light-hearted recipe for success. I believe you must start with a whole-hearted, purpose-driven leader and add at least 2 cloves…
Posts Published byDenise Brosseau
Get Started Today as a Champion of Change
One phrase I keep hearing from companies I’ve been (virtually) speaking for in the last few months is “transformation”. Digital transformation, business process transformation, whole company transformation – it’s all another way of saying companies…
How To Get Your Thought Leadership Efforts Unstuck
How do you overcome fears and doubts and get your thought leadership efforts underway? While it is a challenge, here are 8 ideas that work for me.
Are You Building Your Personal Brand or Becoming a Thought Leader?
You can have a strong personal brand and not be a thought leader or vice versa. The actions of someone building their personal brand and someone on their journey to becoming a thought leader can overlap, but the impact and the goal are often quite different. Let’s explore the differences in this article.
5 Ways to Ensure Your Employees Are Ready to ‘Take the Stage’ As Thought Leaders
When an organization expects its top performers to suddenly become thought leaders overnight, that might be a bit unrealistic. Let’s discuss what is required to get your team ready to shine as thought leaders.
Leaving Your C-Suite Job? Time to Invest in Thought Leadership
This last year was a doozy and most of the C-Suite executives I know hunkered down, just trying to keep the job they have and keep their teams and companies on track. But with vaccine…
Entrepreneurial Thought Leader: Lisa Hufford
I recently had the opportunity to interview Lisa Hufford, author of Navigating the Talent Shift, and founder and CEO of Simplicity Consulting — a $40M on-demand marketing and communications consulting business in the Pacific Northwest.
Thought Leader or Expert? You Decide
Wondering the difference between a well-known expert vs. a well-respected thought leader? I believe that while expertise is a prerequisite for thought leadership, being an expert is not in itself sufficient for someone to be a thought leader. Here’s what else is needed.
Start Your New Year With a Life Audit
Are you ready to kick off your New Year with a bit of annual planning? Try the Life Audit. I’ll walk you through the short version of how to do it.
What’s Scaring Your Team Away From Building Influence?
Don’t let fear stop you from building influence. This article addresses some of the myths and misconceptions that scare people away from taking their first steps to building influence.