Over the last few weeks, I have had conversations with several senior executives who have a lot in common – they are all smart, capable, hard-working, and have a commitment to make the world a…
Browsing CategoryBuilding a Thought Leading Organization
Is Thought Leadership Outside Your Lane or Expanding Your Lane?
I was on a call with a client last week and she asked me something that fired me up. We have been working together for several months and during that time she has advanced from…
Get Started Today as a Champion of Change
One phrase I keep hearing from companies I’ve been (virtually) speaking for in the last few months is “transformation”. Digital transformation, business process transformation, whole company transformation – it’s all another way of saying companies…
5 Ways to Ensure Your Employees Are Ready to ‘Take the Stage’ As Thought Leaders
When an organization expects its top performers to suddenly become thought leaders overnight, that might be a bit unrealistic. Let’s discuss what is required to get your team ready to shine as thought leaders.
Entrepreneurial Thought Leader: Lisa Hufford
I recently had the opportunity to interview Lisa Hufford, author of Navigating the Talent Shift, and founder and CEO of Simplicity Consulting — a $40M on-demand marketing and communications consulting business in the Pacific Northwest.