A longtime consultant friend of mine recently joined a senior CEO group in order to build connections and scale her business. After attending her first meeting, she shared with me her dismay that the other…
Browsing CategoryGetting Started as a Thought Leader
Why Should Thought Leaders Stay in Their Lane? Part II
BE OF SERVICE BY SHARING YOUR EXPERTISE, INTERVIEW WITH JO MILLER, BE LEADERLY This interview is part of an on-going series of articles I am doing about how people make the journey from leader to…
Why Should Thought Leaders Stay in Their Lane? Part I
AN INTERVIEW WITH JO MILLER, BE LEADERLY This interview is part of an on-going series of articles I am doing about how people make the journey from leader to thought leader. See my previous interviews…
How Is Thought Leadership Different From PR & Marketing?
A few years ago, I sat down with a friend who had just left her role as CEO of a prominent PR firm in Silicon Valley. I asked her which piece of her job she…
What is a Thought Leader?
FROM A POST IN THE UK BUSINESS REPORTER Some people use the term “thought leader” as if all you have to do to earn that moniker is to start tweeting. This is hardly the case….
Why Become a Thought Leader?
CAREER INSURANCE…FROM POST IN THE UK BUSINESS REPORTER In earlier posts, we explored what a thought leader is and how thought leadership is different from PR and marketing. Now you might be asking why you should make the…
Where Are All the Women Entrepreneurs?
Sure, women start lots of companies. But where are the big, world-changing businesses run by women? I get asked this question all the time: Where are all the women entrepreneurs? I guess the people who…
Sometimes It’s Just Right
Keep looking, you’ll eventually find your tribe. And when you do, you’ll know it. Do you ever feel like you’ve spent your whole life looking for that place you feel at home almost immediately? That…
What Do I Do When No One Is Listening?
Thought leaders are often ahead of their time. They can find themselves ignored, overlooked, and even shunned. How do you overcome the naysayers? Imagine if you knew that the world was coming to an end,…
How to Sell Your Ideas
Previously published on Inc.com. You’ve got all your employees excited about your vision. now, it’s time to convince the rest of the world. To make a difference in your company and your market, you have to…